Changelog – What’s New and Updated

Below you will find information about new and updated Word macros and Word tips that are available on this website.

In order to make the setup of the Word macros and Word tips more user-friendly and to make the layout more flexible, I transferred all existing articles from to this setup at, DocTools Word Macros & Tips, in June 2018. This changelog was introduced with the new layout. Therefore, the change information does not cover changes earlier than spring 2018 even if the first articles were published  back in 2007.

All old URLs to Word macros and Word tips have been set up to be automatically redirected to the new URLs so any old links to the articles should still work.


To make it easy to access video tutorials, they are now directly available from the top menu and from the sidebar to the right. The videos may also be included in more comprehensive articles on this website.


Published the article PutInClipboard stores two symbols instead of correct data – How to FIX the issue. In this article you will learn how you can fix the issue.


Published the article How to show the Properties dialog box using VBA. This article contains macro code that you can use to open the Properties dialog box in Word.


Published the article Count Number of Each Character in Word Document. This article includes two ready-for-use VBA macros that let you get a count of each letter or other character in a Word document.


Updated the article Apply Uniform Table Borders to All Tables. Macro adjusted to always fix vertical borders in 1-row tables correctly.


Updated the macro in article Extract ACRONYMS to New Document so it now ignores Content Controls with placeholder text to prevent problems in case of UPPERCASE placeholder text.


Updated the article Updating Fields in Word - How it Works with info about how Word to prevent fields inside INCLUDETEXT field from being updated.


Published the article Handle Track Changes in Word with Macros. The article includes macros and VBA code snippets for handling track changes.


Published updated version of the article Create List of Local Built-in Style Names. Now the article covers all version of Word from Word 2003 through Word 2019 and Word for Microsoft 365.


Published updated version of the macro in the article Macro – Update All Fields in Word Document. By mistake, some lines of code were missing in the previous version that was published in the article.


Published the article Word Layout Options & Compatibility Options with a detailed information about all compatibility options in Word, incl. descriptions.


Published the article Word Compatibility Mode – What Is It? with detailed information about Compatibility Mode in Word.

Published the article  How to Set Word Compatibility Options via VBA with VBA names and values of all compatibility options in Word and many macros ready for use.


Published the article Macro – Update All Fields in Word Document with a ready-for-use macro that updates all fields in a Word document no matter where the fields are found.


Updated the article Updating Fields in Word - How it Works with info about how Word handles fields in different layers of Word documents and with related information about stories in VBA.


Added info about additional problems, Problem 5 and Problem 6, in the article Cross-reference Problems – Troubleshooting.


Renewed videos in the following articles in order to work without using Adobe Flash Player:

Cross-reference Problems – Troubleshooting
Formatting Marks – Nonprinting Characters – Codes


Published the article How to Create a Multi-column Word Table Where Each Column Has Individual Cell Heights. The article provides information about how you can create a multi-column table in Word where each column looks as if it consists of cells with individual cell heights.


Published the article How to Open Word Documents with Specific Zoom and View. The article explains how zoom and view in Word works and provides macros ready for use. For example, you will find macros that will automatically apply a specific zoom and view to new Word documents you create and existing documents you open in Word. 


Published the article Word Fields - Useful Keyboard Shortcuts. The article provides a list of useful Word field shortcuts including descriptions of how the shortcuts work.


Published the article Updating Fields in Word - How it Works. The article provides information about how each kind of Word field works in relation to updating. Find out which fields are updated automatically by Word and which fields you must update manually.


Switched Word macros and Word tips from to this setup at Word Macros & Tips. All existing articles have been reformatted to the new layout.


Published the article Troubleshooting - Word Fails to Show Font Name and Other Formatting Values - Shows Blank Fields. The article explains the rules that apply to the way Word shows or does not show formatting information. You will also find suggested solutions plus a macro that can automatically perform the check for you, also when Word fails to do so.


Updated the article Create List of Local Built-in Style Names to cover all styles in Word 2013 and Word 2016 in addition to styles covered in the previous version. From the article you can download a Word document that includes all built-in style names covering Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016 (365) in English. If you are not using an English version of Word, the document includes a macro that lets you add local built-in styles names with the click of a button.